I want a good, bilingual church in Olathe, Kansas. Here is what I’m praying for…
The 7 Marks of a Biblical Church:
- Biblical Discipleship
- Intentional Evangelism
- Expository Preaching
- Systematic Bible Teaching
- Sober Music with Congregational Singing
- Genuine Fellowship
- Missions Focus and Investment
There are any number of decent “evangelical” churches in Johnson County, Kansas. But most have adopted the “modern” or “contemporary” model for their services (theater settings with dimmed lighting, concert-type music, and overall upbeat party atmosphere).
I strongly desire a traditional, conservative church that gives primacy to Scripture and that has a sober and attitude toward life and worship. And I want a church that takes the Scripture seriously. It would be bilingual by default because I am (I speak Spanish).
It doesn’t have to be big and fancy and elaborate. With two or three (Mat 18.20), we could make it work. I’ve started a couple churches before (one in Latin America and one right here in Kansas) and would be glad to do it again in order to have a church like the one I described in the list above.
Right now my wife and I are attending a church of like faith in the Kansas City area. But, I’m praying that God would give us a good, Bible-believing, God-honoring church in Olathe, Kansas.
If that’s something that interests you, please pray with us. And if you’d like to talk more about this idea, please let me know.