I believe that all the Holy Scriptures (both Old and New Testaments, the 66 books of the Bible without Apocrypha) were given by the inspiration of God, verbally and plenary, in the original manuscripts (1Cor 2.10). I believe that God superintended the writing of Scripture by moving men to write the exact words He desired to communicate to man, yet without superseding the personalities of the human authors (2Pet 1.20-21).
I believe that God promised to preserve the inspired words of Scripture (Ps 12.6-7).
I believe that Scripture is the inspired Word and words of God (2Tim 3.16-17). I believe it is reasonable that what God inspired He also preserved (Mat 24.35). Because God has preserved His inspired Scripture, I believe:
- Inspired Scripture can be held in one’s hand and read (Mat 21.42; Mar 12.10; Acts 8.32-35).
- Inspired Scripture can be ignored, and therefore can be known (Mat 22.29; Mar 12.24).
- Inspired Scripture can be searched–examined, studied, investigated (John 5.39; Acts 17.11).
- Inspired Scripture can be opened, explained, and taught systematically (Acts 17.3; 18.28).
Therefore, I believe that just as the copies (and possibly translations) of the first century were Scripture (the inspired Word and words of God; 2Tim 3.15-17), so inspired Scripture exists today in copies and translations because God promised to preserve the words He inspired (Ps 12.6-7). I believe the Scriptures today are just as inspired (perfect and inerrant, without contradiction—the very words God desires to communicate to man) as when God inspired the original manuscripts, even though they have been copied, transmitted, and translated down through the centuries.
Because God has both inspired and preserved the Holy Scriptures, I accept the Scriptures as my final authority. I believe that the Holy Scripture in the English language is the King James Bible, also referred to as the Authorized Version, and I therefore accept the King James Bible as the perfect and infallible Word (and words) of God, my final authority in English.
I believe God’s preserved words for Spanish speakers can be found in the Reina-Valera Bible, specifically the Revision of 1960.