My name is Greg Kedrovsky and I live and work in Overland Park, Kansas (right next door to Olathe). I’m a bit introverted and lack enough social and interpersonal skills that I’m quite fairly awkward in most settings with more than two or three people. But I love the Lord, love the Bible, and desire to serve my Saviour as He would see fit.
I grew up in and around Belton, Missouri (High School class of 1984). I went into the Marine Corps right after high school and was trained as an infantryman, although I ended up with some pretty cool security duty at the Naval Support Facility (NSF) in Thurmont, Maryland.
I got out of the Marine Corps, came home, and went to college at CMSU (now UCM) in Warrensburg, Missouri. I studied accounting (yes, a poor life choice… I know). But the best thing that happened to me in college was salvation. A guy in my calculus class (never met him before then) shared the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with me one afternoon in the library. I got angry with him. But, the message of the gospel worked on me that week and when I saw that guy again, I had some questions for him. And we did that again the next week. Then I got saved: repented of my sins and received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I am forever grateful to Shane Sanderson for his willingness to preach the gospel to me.
After I graduated with my accounting degree, I got a job with Price-Waterhouse and lasted about two years in public accounting. The best thing that came out of those two years was my wife, Sue. She was my first supervisor. And then we got married.
By that time I had found a very good, Bible-believing church that was dedicated to training men and women in the Bible and preparing them for ministry. I took all the courses I could and participated in various ministries (nursing homes, jails, street work, etc.). I’m grateful for the pastors at that church whom God used to have a tremendous influence on my life. That was the Kansas City Baptist Temple. Sadly, it no longer exists.
After finishing KCBT’s four-year Bible Institute (called Shepherd’s School) in 1995, I was ordained, and Sue and I were sent out as a foreign missionaries. We spent two years in Bogotá, Colombia, learning language and trying to adapt to culture. We then moved to San José, Costa Rica, where I spent three years as an associate pastor of a Baptist Church in an area of the capital city called Hatillo. After that I started Eastside Church (on the east side of San José by the University of Costa Rica) and was the senior pastor there for the next ten years. Most of my sermons, materials, books I wrote, etc. are out on my personal site in Spanish, and there’s some new stuff on my Spanish YouTube channel.
After 15 years as a pastor-missionary in Latin America, in 2011, we came home (with three additions to our family: our three wonderful kids, all born in Costa Rica). After returning to the States, I started Harvest Baptist Church in Olathe, Kansas. I was the senior pastor of that work for three years. I stepped down from the pastorate at the end of 2013, needing to spend more time with my family and learning to do my new job (which involved shift work, overnight work, etc.).
Since then God has allowed me to visit friends and churches in Latin America to preach, teach, evangelize on the streets, etc. I’ve been blessed to have preached on the streets here in Kansas City, on several universities, and in other states (I love open-air preaching at the Minnesota State Fair!). I’ve also had several opportunities to minister to congregations as an itinerant preacher.
Most of my “professional pedigree” is out on LinkedIn if you’re into that kinda thing. And I’m on Facebook, but most of that is in Spanish. I have some stuff out on my English YouTube channel and on my personal site in English.
So, “Who’s Greg…?” He’s just a guy who wants to serve the Lord according to how God made him (how God made me; 1Cor 15.10, 58). I love to study, preach, and teach the Bible. And I’m just as inclined to preach the Bible on the streets as in a pulpit.